Chinese New Year

Pickles just told me how excited she is for Chinese New Year because of all the activities we’ve done in the past. While I think of some new activities, here are some of our memories. When Pickles was three we focussed on the colours considered lucky in China. She created pictures with red and goldContinue reading “Chinese New Year”

Week 6: Pets

Day 1: Pickles is feeling super proud of herself at the end of our first day learning about pets. After reading ‘Dear Zoo’, she received a special delivery, “From the real zoo?” We discussed why these animals wouldn’t make good pets and made our own simple, lift the flap page in the style of thisContinue reading “Week 6: Pets”

Day 18: Music Festival

I was given 5 minutes notice today to build a music festival in the back garden. A quick google and a race around the house to grab bunting, a tent, instruments, raid the kitchen and the recycling and we’re ready! First, Pickles wanted to make her own musical instrument. I try to make STEAM activitiesContinue reading “Day 18: Music Festival”

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